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OSHA General Industry Training & Consulting

OSHA Authorized Trainer ID: 34-0080935
Reginald B. Lao, MBA, Notary Public

OSHA training is vital for any business that operates within the United States. California has safety and health standards that exceed most other states. Willful ignorance or unawareness of OSHA guidelines can be costly and could close down your business operations. An important aspect of safety and health is what OSHA calls the general duty clause.

The OSHA general duty clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, requires that each employer furnish to each of its employees a workplace that is free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm.

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OSHA Trainer Authorization Expires April 26, 2027

Cal/OSHA requires all California business operators to comply with Title 8 California Code of Regulations (T8CCR) that requires all workplaces to have an IIPP or the Injury and Illness Prevention Program that encompasses eight (8) required elements of Responsibility, Compliance, Communication, Hazard Assessment, Accident/Exposure Investigation, Hazard Correction, Training & Instruction, and Recordkeeping. FFAcad can consult in the design, building, and implementation of your organization's safety & health plan (IIPP) in conjunction with training employees how to be safe at the workplace.

OSHA Training can be taught onsite at your place of business or an agreed upon venue. Training times can also be customized to meet the time schedules of supervisors, foremen, executives, and employees. Two types of training are offered:
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© 2020 by FINANCIAL FIDELITY ACADEMY INC. Approved California 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

1808 W Spring St, Long Beach, CA 90810| Office: (562) 208-2812 []

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